Monday, February 28, 2011

Our little Monkey

William is now eight months old! There are some very distinctive things about Will's personality that just have to be mentioned. Kevin calls Will monkey boy because he acts like such a goof ball sometimes. Starting the day with Will always begins with a laugh. First thing in the morning I go to brush my teeth and Will thinks it is hilarious. It doesn't matter how many times he has seen it, he always starts laughing and reaches for the toothbrush. He now shares toys that he puts into his mouth and then offers it to me, by putting it to my mouth. So sweet because he has only done that with me. I think that is why he thinks the brushing of the teeth is funny. He thinks I am using my own teething toy. Will must think that crawling is for the cat, because he is skipping crawling all together and is now pulling himself up to stand. From sitting he can also reach out all the way into crawling position, then grab a toy and get back to sitting up. He is just more interested in walking. Will knows many words when he hears them. If you say " Where is Daddy? " He looks around for him. He also knows Brooke, Kitty, Diaper, Binki, and food. Will loves to hear his own voice, and he babbles non-stop. In fact, when he stops talking I always wonder what is wrong with him. Will loves to be in crowds of people. He searches for the person in the store who will smile and give him attention. One of the greatest things about Will is his temperment. Since our family likes to get out, even if Will misses a nap he is happy as can be, and just falls asleep when he gets into the car and it starts moving. You could say that God must be humorous, because Will seems to fit in just great with our funny little crew. With a smile always on his face, and looking for the next thing he can explore and taste we have lots of fun times to look forward to with Will. Our family wouldn't be complete without him!

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