Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Brooke was more excited for Christmas this year, than she had been in her life so far. We celebrated Christmas with Santa's gifts and Grandma and Grandpa Pack, a week before the twenty fifth. We had dinner at On the Border to start our celebration, and then we went home for our pajama party that Brooke had all planned out for us. We all got in pajamas, even Grandma and Grandpa Pack. With Chipmunk Christmas carols in the background we decorated Santa's pre-made cookie dough with sprinkles. The chipmunk record is the only Christmas music we had, thanks to kevin buying it many years before he had a family. ( I guess he was planning ahead ) After we made cookies we had a prayer and read the Christmas story in the bible and finished our night watching The Polar Express with hot chocolate and popcorn. The next morning Grandma and Grandpa came over early enough to catch Brooke's first expressions when she saw the barbie house that Santa had brought her. Since it was Sunday we only spent an hour opening gifts and we rushed off to get to church on time, making our pre-Christmas complete. For the real Christmas we got a special treat to have all of Kevin's siblings at the Turano's house together. We went to Mass and afterwards had a wonderful Italian dinner as always, that Kevin's Mom makes. Brooke and Brittany played together a lot on our trip to Kansas City and Brooke still mentions that in Kansas City when she woke up she had talks with Grandma and Grandpa Turano, while Mommy and Daddy slept.

1 comment:

  1. so glad you've started a blog! you'll be so glad you did. . i started blogging when my oldest was 4 years old(so that was 5 years ago!) and there are so many things i wouldn't have remembered had i not blogged the experiences in pictures and words. it looks great!! welcome to blogger! :)

    p.s. sounds like a wonderful Christmas!
