Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Those who know our family, know that we love to go see animals. So seeing animals in an entertianing and humorous way, is one of our favorite family activities. It was March, the first time I had ever been to a circus in my life. It was about two months before Kevin and I got married when he took me. I loved the show so much, that afterwards Kevin asked me, " Should I be worried that you are going to run off, and join a circus now? " We talked about starting our own circus, and what it would take to do that. Funny to think back on all our ideas of starting animal parks and farms, now.

So this was the most excting circus for Brooke yet, although we had been every year since she was born. She asked all kinds of quesitons about how the animals could do these tricks. Her favorite was when the Dog stood on his hind legs and pushed another baby dog

in the stroller. She couldn't stop laughing. She also was fascinated by the girl who could change her whole entire outfit in one second, while standing behind a sheer panel of fabric, and danced at the same time. We rode on the elephant again, like every year. It was a great time for us all. Will seemed to love the crowd of people, and the flashing toy that Brooke chose to take home. As we walked out of the circus, I couldn't help but wonder... if we take our kids to these Circus shows every year, I probably shouldn't be surprised if someday they decide that they are going to run off with the circus!


1 comment:

  1. ha!! i love how your family loves to have fun!! we do too. we need to do something together soon. did you know we are a circus family too? joey's sister was a clown for ringling bros barnum and bailey for awhile! so she really did run off and join the circus:) we've been lucky to get free front row(or close to front) for years. we've also gotten to actually visit her on the "circus train" that goes around the u.s. and meet all of the clowns and other workers. pretty cool.
