Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No Lions and Tigers just Bears, oh my!

We told Brooke we would be going to the monkey ranch that we had been to many times when she was a baby. She didn't remember much about all the other times we had gone, but she was VERY excited.

Mark Mansingh was in town, so that meant, that the agenda would have nothing written on it, except for FUN....

Will liked all the animals, laughing and reaching to pet them all. I do have to say that his favorite part was when the music started playing on the safari tram. He was in heaven dancing to the music, then taking breaks from dancing to pet the animals. I loved seeing him so happy.

Brooke liked the birds, baby kangaroos, camels, and zebras, but when she got the chance to play like Goldy Locks, with her own set of bears, she didn't know how to react. First she was in shock, that the owner, of the park ( he was taking us on our own personal tour of the zoo ) said we could get in the cages with with the bears, and that she could feed them peppermints from the outside of the cage. She was very scared at first for Mommy and Daddy to take turns inside the cage, but the moment she saw Daddy in there, she was begging to go in. I love Brooke's courage to do almost anything!

The bears would not stop sniffing us. It was like being with huge dogs, only they have a big set of teeth, pressing their bigger, wetter and sloppy noses all over us, to explore out scents.

I couldn't handle thinking the bears might not like a sent they caught on me, and their sniff would turn to a bite, so all though it was so awesome to hang out for a min. I couldn't bring myself to the delusion, as much as the rest of our party could to hang out for so long.

It was when the bear opened it mouth around Mark's neck, that Kevin really grasped the fact that these wild animals could be very dangerous.

Our kids will never be able to go to a regular zoo and be entertained, like normal people. This was a mind blowing experience! After our personal tour, we went to dinner to hang out with the owner, and heard about all the new up coming exhibits. The owner is friends with Kevin and Mark. Lucky us, we got such un- real opportunity.


  1. animals are unpredictable! and bears are crazy dangerous! don't do that again, ok? when you told me you did that, i couldn't believe it! you turanos....aye :)

  2. Jealous! I want to pet a bear SO BADLY! (weird to see you wearing flat-heeled boots- but they are very cute!)
