Monday, November 28, 2011

Grandpa Turano

William Leonard Turano ( left hand side in Photo)

Born in Brooklyn, NY

Raised in Saint Albans

Attended Saint Catherine's Grade School

Attended Xavier High School Military Academy in New York City (run by Jesuits)

Attended Saint John's University

Attended New York Medical College

Married in 1964 to Dorothy Mistretta

Graduated New York Medical College in 1966, OBGYN
(his first son was born just before graduation and 3 more children followed)

Interned at Nassau Hospital and completed a four year residency

Dorothy - Almost too many interest to mention but here goes:

Trivia to include Sports, Politics, etc.
Plays Piano and collects music sheets
Enjoys planting trees (or should we say 'digging holes')
Antique cars and sharing them
Great sense of humor (and learning to use it carefully - I think?)
Daily searches on the web connected to stock markets
Great interest in TV or should we say every sport that there is
Champion 'Oh Hell' card player
New interest of deer watching and squirrel shooting

Kevin- Favorite things about him;

-He is always there for advice or discussion particularly regarding business, family, medical, trees and interesting point of view on politics and news
-Answers his phone a solid 95% of the time
-Can look at something and find something weird that few other would see about it and make it funny or inappropriate ...or funny and inappropriate ...or so inappropriate that it is funny
-Will tell you his point of view without candy coating

Enjoyable things to do with him:
-Watching him get people bent out of shape
-Watching sports or movies with
-Seeing how many more new trees and shrubs he can stuff onto his lots
-Gambling (back in the day)
-Being able to discuss things with him that only few people would "get"
-Playing cards, and Uno

Non-enjoyable things;
- Being at same table as him when he gets the restaurant waitstaff bent out of shape
- 90% of his movie pics

Some favorite memories:
-Vegas for turning 21 and then again Vegas
-Playing basketball
-Listening to the piano
-Fixing cars and body work on the 1969 Firebird
-Swap n Shops

PS- Be sure to visit his website !!! (note: that is Wiliam with one (1) "L")

Emily's favorite things about him- You never know what to expect with him, maybe you will want to laugh, or sometimes cry, but the bottom line is that he is a very honest, very trustworthy, very hardworking, very generous, very funny, very intelligent, very interesting, and extremely loved by his family.

I always appreciate the medical advise, the excellent steak he makes when he comes in town, the trips that he makes to the store with Kevin, to pick up things  that we forgot, the patience he has when it comes to explaining directions to us, the late night movies, and Uno games, piano he plays, fun and interesting facts that he mentions, hearing another perspective from him, and mostly I am so appreciative of the great Father and Friend that he is to Kevin.


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