Friday, July 27, 2012

Fourth of July with Major

 Every year on the Fourth of July Major and his family come in town and stay with a childhood friend of his Lynn Dupree, whom has also been a friend of Kevin's since Major introduced them in college. Lynn wouldn't let me take any pics of her this time...

 Brooke and Will loved going on Scott's boat. The funny thing is that Brooke has been fearing our upcoming family cruise with the Turano's. Everyday she had been saying, " I don't want to go on a boat. " When I ask why she just says she doesn't want it to sink. So Brooke had her chance to over come her fear. I was shocked that Kevin got to her go on the tube with him on the lake. I guess I under estimated her. I should have known...Brooke hates to pass up something that looks like a fun time....
 Brooke loved driving the boat! Scott really let her steer and we were making some very sharp turns! It was kind of scary how much she loved being in control and driving like a crazy person. I will probably remember seeing the wild eyes and excitement in her face while driving that boat, when it's time for drivers ed.
 We didn't have a life jacket for Will so Kevin a responsible Dad put one on himself and buckled it thru Will's clothes. Will , the dare devil he is would just jump straight in the lake if we let him....
                                         Mally and Brooke always have a great time together!
                                          And this is where she overcomes her fear of lake water
  We got back from the lake and enjoyed hot yummy burgers that Major had cooking for us while we were gone...
                         There is no time for the old "waiting two hours after you eat.... to swim " rule
            The first time I went to a party with Major I was very worried about how red his face got. He told me he had high blood pressure and forgot to take his medicine. I really thought something was wrong with his health, but now I know his face just gets this red. That's why he's called, " Big red. "

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