Sunday, July 8, 2012

"Candle Cake" for Will's Birthday Party

 It's funny how pregnant Mothers can sense things about the babies they are carrying. When I was trying to decide what I was going to decorate Will's nursery like...I thought... since our family has such a fun time visiting every drive thru animal park we know of, and we love to go to pet stores.... I thought I for sure, I wanted to do an animal theme. It was perfect...Kevin has a collection of about 60 plastic toy animals that he used when he was a cartoonist. They were in a box in the attic. I imagined getting them out of storage and putting them on shelves around the room to match the theme. When I went to get the bedding at the store, I had a very hard time letting go of the animal theme. I had a perfect color scheme planned and a cherry crib I alreadyhad bought from a garage sale waiting for this bedding I had seen online....I suddenly knew this animal theme just wasn't Will. I really could feel that what I was looking at in the store, was Will's personality. I even brought Kevin to the store to look at it, and he wanted a totally new fish bedding that he saw. But after I saw it, I just felt Will was a transportation theme. Cars, boats, airplanes, and helicopters. I know now that I really was having intuition over Will as silly as it seems. Will is a car , and airplane kind of boy. That's all he plays with. When I hand him the plastic toy animals now he can tell me what kind of animal it is, and then he tosses it to the side to grab something with a motor.

When Will recently started liking something other than cars and planes that completely describes him.... I decided to use it for the theme of his two-year old birthday party. Curious George is a new favorite TV time for Will. He is just like Curious George too! All the climbing, breaking things, causing commotion, and he loves bananas.

I looked online for a few days for some candy bananas to put on the cake I was envisioning in my mind. I had to research all the ingredients to make sure he wouldn't have an allergic reaction. Then I figured out a way to make him feel like he was eating the same cake as us all, by making the top of his cake with coconut ice cream, his special ores, and a frosting not made with milk, eggs, or nuts. I made the bottom of the cake with all of our favorite, Oreo ice cream, and regular ores.

The night before the party Will ate lots of the banana candy. He ended up having an allergic reaction and only he and I only got a few hours of sleep. I will tell you my Will is tough, and  great sport, who wont miss out on a fun time, and as he would call it, "candle cake ." He even sang along with us as we sang one of his favorite songs " Happy Birthday. "

It was a really good time for all of us. We did miss Grandma and Grandpa Pack though, since they were in Puerto Rico visiting my FBI agent brother and his family.

We are always thankful the Turano's come in town for each of the kids birthdays, and it is always so kind and helpful all the things they do for us around the house while they are visiting. We are very lucky to have great parents.

We are thankful to have such a smart, fun, happy, sweet two-year old Will now too!!!!

                              Grandpa Turano thought he'd rather cut my back, than a piece of cake

                                                         Emily, Will, Holly and Ammon
                                                      Will, Emily, Kristina and Beckham
        Will, Beckham, and Ammon are all about the same age with in a few months difference. These are his regular play date buds....

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