Sunday, September 9, 2012

What's Will been up to with Brooke gone all day?

Here is what Will has been busy doing since Brooke went back to school.......

He is thinking......
Hmmmm... I think I can play with this house now that Brooke isn't here to kick me out of her room????

           You know I think Spider Man would love to invade this girly pink house and destroy it?????
                            He will need a side kick crocodile though....and of course he will have to make his entrance with speed for a quick get away....

                                                  Okay...I think they are ready to go.....

                                           Mom, why are you capturing my plans on camera?

                            Come on, lets move forward Spiderman ignore the Mom and camera....
                                                           Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
                                     I am innocent, I promise I didn't mean to mess up the house.....

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