Monday, September 24, 2012

Mommy Party

There is hardly anything that a husband can do for his wife, that shows as much love, than him nurturing and teaching what love is....... to her daughter.

And there is hardly anything that would express as much love to a Mother, as her daughter choosing to do something kind for her Mom, when she could have chosen to do any wild adventure.

It was Daddy's turn to take Brooke on the Sat. morning sneak out. This would normally mean a wild adventure with the two of these goof balls put together....( the last sneak out they had before this they bought a pinata for a party with friends, and they filled it with candy as usual....but they also filled it with un packaged cheese balls! The candy was covered in orange dust! )

So this Sat. I awoke to a very sweet surprise....

                 My bed was covered in balloons and paintings. that Brooke had made for me, and that isn't all....I was served breakfast in bed. A plate with two of my favorite breakfast foods....egg whites, and cupcakes! The cupcakes even had candles lit! Brooke was chanting to me, " It's Mommy's party day, it's Mommy's party day!

                I must have done something good that I don't know about to deserve a little girl like Brooke. Kevin had asked Brooke what she wanted to do the next day on Friday night and she had this whole idea in her head about surprising me in the morning.

                 I felt so appreciated and loved, and as tired as I am tonight, I wanted to capture my feelings about this before they grew foggy...

                  My little Brooke knows me all too well, and she is smart enough to know if I am eating a cupcake for breakfast, I will be offering her one as well ;)

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