Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Spider-man

It has to be something pretty special to Will, for him to wrap his precious blanket around it.....

                                 Yes, Spider-man is pretty special to Will. The thing is that Will feels like he can relate to Spider-man in so many ways. Will trys to scale walls, jump and climb over anything and everything these days. But that's not all...You see Will has seen enough of Spider-man the movie to have realized that something funny happens to Spider-man's wrist.

 A few days had past since Will had seen the movie Spider-man....He was calling out in his sleep, " I have a web, my hand, it itches! " Will had finally found an explanation to why his wrists itch from the eczema that seems to be the worst around his wrists most the time. He knew they were itchy...He just didn't know why?..This had to be the explanation in his mind...That was it! He was having webs come out of his wrist!

Ever since he saw parts of the movie Will occasionally thrusts his wrist out, points with it, and makes a shooting noise, as if he is shooting some one with his wrist.

It was very easy to determine what Will should be for Halloween, and of course he has to have his Spider-man pajamas...after all, Brooke turns into a princess every night in her ballgown pjs....

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