Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Still small voice

I just can't move one more step forward, and even though I should be taking a nap because I will be working twelve hours at night, tonight starting at 7pm for the first time....I must give credit for this wonderful opportunity, where credit is due....

                 When I injured myself last year about this time, one day I was walking through an office complex and I had the feeling that I needed to walk through this specific door. There would be no reason for me to feel that way since there was not even a sign on the door and I actually had a long way to walk, and floors to climb before I would get to the doctor's office that I was planning to go too, but I just had the thought and feeling that I needed to go into that door. I had both Brooke and Will with me and Brooke asked if that was the place I was getting xrays at when she saw I was walking towards this door. I said, " No, but we are just going to go in there for a min."

                I opened the door to find a very small room with two desks and a woman on the phone behind the desk. I stood and waited trying to catch a glimpse of what she was saying to see if I could figure out why I was in that room. As soon as she was off the phone, she asked, " Can I help you? " I sounded kind of timid for me, and I said, " What kind of office is this? " She said, " This is the admissions office for a school." I said, " What kind of school? " She said, " Well for many things in the health industry, but mainly we enroll people into classes to become a nurse's aid. " I said, " Oh, well do you have information on it that you can give me? " When she handed me a pile full of papers and I began to look a little bit through the book the pictures of nurses taking care of hurting people, you would think might remind me of how I could barley open that door without my hands hurting. You would think I might have looked down and the carpotunnel brace that I was wearing and would have felt sorry for myself, but I had an overwhelming feeling of peace, joy and comfort. I knew why I was being prompted to go through that door, and I also knew at that moment that all the pain I was going through at that time would be for my good. I felt like everything I was going through had almost lead me to that exact moment that I would receive confirmation that I had followed a prompting from the Holy Spirit and that the Lord loved me and wanted to help me feel better.

My Dad didn't even hesitate when I told him about this experience and that I felt I was supposed to do that schooling, that he wanted to help pay for it.

A few months later, I began the classes. By that time my carpo tunnel had gotten a lot better. Not totally better, but some. At times I would think I was crazy for thinking that I was going to a school where you had to physically help adults out of the bed, and I can't even carry my little baby. But, I knew since the Lord told me I should do this, he would provide a way....and he did.

A friend reminded me that the Chief of Surgery of Baylor, is in my ward. I utilized the programs that are a part of the organization of Christ's church on the earth,  and I received help with my resume from the ward employment specialist. I also received a nice recommendation from the COS, at Baylor Hospital. It was another affirmation to me of the organization of the church truly being inspired of the Lord, and the love and charity of his members being manifested in my life.

Today is my first night working as a Patient Technician in the brand new Baylor hospital right next to my home. I have been through weeks of training and I am ready now to work in the ACU. I will be taking vital signs, blood sugar levels, documenting intake\ output and caring for the patients in all the ways that a nurse does not.

I am very excited to be there for patients maybe in pain in the middle of the night. I know what it is like to be in pain. Although my neck only hurts a few days a week now, and my carpo tunnel is just a little annoyance every once in awhile, my left foot is still numb 100% of the time. Sometimes it is less numb than others.

I am almost happy for this numbness reminder that I have been blessed through my trials.

I am so thankful that I wasn't able to sit on a couch with out being in severe pain for a month, because now I want to help those who are hurting. I am thankful for the divine inspiration that I received to walk through that door...and I am thankful for the opportunity to work and serve those in need as well provide some extra help for my personal family finances.

I want my children to know that personal revelation is real and if we keep ourselves worthy to receive it, and we kneel in daily prayer to be guided in our lives....we will not be left alone to determine what it is that the Lord wants us to do....He will speak to us through a feeling, a thought or an event in our lives. I know this is true, and I say it in the name of Jesus Christ, whom I love.

I love that Baylor is a non-profit organization. I love their Christ centered atmosphere. The employees there all have a true desire to serve and give compassionate care. I feel like I belong at a place with such values.                          


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