Thursday, January 24, 2013

Early Christmas

 We celebrated Christmas early with Grandma and Grandpa Pack, before they left to Puerto Rico to spend Christmas with Uncle Allen's family.
                                 Grandma Pack looks so pretty even at 7am on " Christmas morning "

   Daddy got Will a new life jacket so that he can go down to the lake and go fishing with him and Brooke....Will didn't like Brooke trying it on him....
                               Brooke loves the CD player that Grandma and Grandpa gave her
                                            Mommy surprised Brooke with a ballerina figurine
  I stayed up until 5am with Kevin, making Will's room up, so I didn't want to even attempt to put make up on

Monday, January 21, 2013

Will's Christmas Present

            Will's Christmas present was a new "big boy room." When he saw it for the first time he said, " Wow! Thank you my space ship Mommy." He saw it before it was ever put together and it was just all these red pieces sitting in his room. Once it was put together he said, " Wow, my Mqueen, my room! "

 We actually felt really bad when the first day he had it, he slept in it for his nap no problem, and then he slept in it for bed time the entire night, no problem going to bed and no problem sleeping the whole night thru in it. We felt bad because we think he just felt like it was so comfortable to sleep on a matress versus the hard pack and play he had been sleeping in for two years!!!!!!

Will feels so big having his own room and he gets protective of it, just like Brooke gets protective of her room. She says, " Don't go in my room Will." So that's what he immediately said to her once he had his own room." It's my room...don't go my room Brooke! " They do play in it together a lot now the that newness wore off.....

Getting The Bad Guys

When Grandma Turano made the comment, about a month ago , " I think Will would go straight back inside your belly if he could! " she was correct!

Yesterday I was reading Will books and there was a picture of a kangaroo with the baby in the Mom's pouch and I asked him, " Do you want to go back in Mommy's belly? He shook his head yes, and quickly dropped his beloved blankie on the floor climbed over on my lap, pulled up my shirt and pressed his head against my belly! It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! I remembered what Grandma Turano said while we were in KC for Christmas.

Will does have his Mommy crush, just as I still have my baby crush....

 One thing that Will has become obsessed with is " Getting the bad guys." He gets really excited and says, " Mommy, I have to get the bad guys for you." He goes and gets his Power Ranger Mask and new ( foam ) sword and runs to the front door and says, " I am getting the bad guys and hits the front door. He does this lots of times a day....

Will also loves guns and his pretend webs that he shoots out his hands. The other day Will had his Power Ranger mask on and his gun in his hand, he was getting really excited and said, " I have to shoot the bad guys!" Then he stopped stared at Kevin, Brooke and I who were all sitting at the table watching him and after his long pause he said, " You guys are my friends, I'm not shooting you. " I said, " Oh, thank you Will, we are your friends." Then he came over to me....stood in front of me, took off his mask, sat down his sword and he puckered up and leaned towards me for a kiss! I planted one right on his lips and snatched him off the ground and gave him a hug....It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

After Sat. Nutcracker show....


         Grandma and Grandpa gave Brooke roses and a pretty porcelain ballerina after the performance of the Nutcracker that they came to see....Afterwards we all went to Brooke's favorite restaurant BJ's where Brooke loves their smiley face french fries.

Christmas Cookies with Grandma Pack

 Grandma Pack and Brooke love to make cookies together. Every time a holiday comes up, Grandma has a special date with Brooke to make cookies for the holiday. Christmas cookie date with Grandma was tricky for both of them this year because Brooke had Nutcracker and Grandma went to see Uncle Allen's family in Puerto Rico this year....They had fun together and Brooke loves coming home with lots of cookies for her lunch and to give to friends....

Thursday, January 10, 2013

All the Turano's

                                     The whole entire Turano family together Christmas 2012
                      We were really happy to get to have Leonard, Daddy's older brother there with us and his two adopted children Brittany and Cameron. Dominic Leonard's son is so awesome with all the little ones!
                                         Leonard has changed these sweet children's lives forever.
                                       Here is Great Grandma Mistretta with all of the grandchildren

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gift Giving

                                          Who Loves You???? as she says? Grandma loves you!
                                    Grandma knows how much Brooke loves ballet and to read!
                                      Here we all are opening stocking stuffers on Christmas Eve
                                            Great Grandma Mistretta, and Aunt Carole
                                                             Alexa, Lydia and Dominic
                                               Will and Cameron play with Will's new car set
            Will is so happy Uncle Leonard snuck him a jelly bean, and pretty soon after Brooke is asking for one...even when she is surrounded by gifts, hardly anything tops her favorite CANDY!
                                                                 Grandpa and Uncle Jeff

Saturday, January 5, 2013

True reason for Christmas

  I absolutely loved the request from Grandma Turano this year on Christmas. She asked us all to come with a letter to Jesus stating the gift we were giving him of something nice that we had done for someone else. 

It was really easy for me to think of what Brooke had done nice for someone, since she always does nice things. 

One day when we were at Target and seeing the Christmas decorations, we started talking about getting ready for Christmas and getting Brooke's Christmas tree up.

Brooke got really worried suddenly. She said, " But Mom, Will doesn't have his own Christmas tree and he is going to feel bad that I have one and he doesn't." 

I said, " Brooke, Will is two years old and I am not going to buy him a tree. Plus, he is a boy and they really don't like decorating trees." 

She looked down at her purse and started counting her dollar bills, and then she said to me, " I don't want Will to feel sad and I have enough money to buy him that little tree, so can I buy it for him?"

I said , " You are nice to care how he feels and yes, if you want to get him the tree, I will get him some little ornaments."

She was so excited and kept telling him, " Will...sissy is buying you your own Christmas tree for your room."

                                              Will did like having a tree in his room this year....

                                  It was a fun game everyday to un-decorate the tree and re-decorate

                       Brooke brought the true spirit of giving into our home when she did this for Will.....

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

This year we went to the Turano's in KC, MO for Christmas. Will was sick from the day we arrived basically...Even though he wasn't the most fun person to be around, our Christmas was still much better celebrating with family than it would have been had we not gone....

                      Will really didn't feel well and him and I fell asleep through dessert, even with loud noise surrounding us on the couch at about 9pm. You know if I missed dessert to hold Will and not let Kevin take over for my sugar fix....that I am worried about Will....