Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting The Bad Guys

When Grandma Turano made the comment, about a month ago , " I think Will would go straight back inside your belly if he could! " she was correct!

Yesterday I was reading Will books and there was a picture of a kangaroo with the baby in the Mom's pouch and I asked him, " Do you want to go back in Mommy's belly? He shook his head yes, and quickly dropped his beloved blankie on the floor climbed over on my lap, pulled up my shirt and pressed his head against my belly! It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! I remembered what Grandma Turano said while we were in KC for Christmas.

Will does have his Mommy crush, just as I still have my baby crush....

 One thing that Will has become obsessed with is " Getting the bad guys." He gets really excited and says, " Mommy, I have to get the bad guys for you." He goes and gets his Power Ranger Mask and new ( foam ) sword and runs to the front door and says, " I am getting the bad guys and hits the front door. He does this lots of times a day....

Will also loves guns and his pretend webs that he shoots out his hands. The other day Will had his Power Ranger mask on and his gun in his hand, he was getting really excited and said, " I have to shoot the bad guys!" Then he stopped stared at Kevin, Brooke and I who were all sitting at the table watching him and after his long pause he said, " You guys are my friends, I'm not shooting you. " I said, " Oh, thank you Will, we are your friends." Then he came over to me....stood in front of me, took off his mask, sat down his sword and he puckered up and leaned towards me for a kiss! I planted one right on his lips and snatched him off the ground and gave him a hug....It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen!

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