Monday, January 21, 2013

Will's Christmas Present

            Will's Christmas present was a new "big boy room." When he saw it for the first time he said, " Wow! Thank you my space ship Mommy." He saw it before it was ever put together and it was just all these red pieces sitting in his room. Once it was put together he said, " Wow, my Mqueen, my room! "

 We actually felt really bad when the first day he had it, he slept in it for his nap no problem, and then he slept in it for bed time the entire night, no problem going to bed and no problem sleeping the whole night thru in it. We felt bad because we think he just felt like it was so comfortable to sleep on a matress versus the hard pack and play he had been sleeping in for two years!!!!!!

Will feels so big having his own room and he gets protective of it, just like Brooke gets protective of her room. She says, " Don't go in my room Will." So that's what he immediately said to her once he had his own room." It's my room...don't go my room Brooke! " They do play in it together a lot now the that newness wore off.....

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