Saturday, January 5, 2013

True reason for Christmas

  I absolutely loved the request from Grandma Turano this year on Christmas. She asked us all to come with a letter to Jesus stating the gift we were giving him of something nice that we had done for someone else. 

It was really easy for me to think of what Brooke had done nice for someone, since she always does nice things. 

One day when we were at Target and seeing the Christmas decorations, we started talking about getting ready for Christmas and getting Brooke's Christmas tree up.

Brooke got really worried suddenly. She said, " But Mom, Will doesn't have his own Christmas tree and he is going to feel bad that I have one and he doesn't." 

I said, " Brooke, Will is two years old and I am not going to buy him a tree. Plus, he is a boy and they really don't like decorating trees." 

She looked down at her purse and started counting her dollar bills, and then she said to me, " I don't want Will to feel sad and I have enough money to buy him that little tree, so can I buy it for him?"

I said , " You are nice to care how he feels and yes, if you want to get him the tree, I will get him some little ornaments."

She was so excited and kept telling him, " Will...sissy is buying you your own Christmas tree for your room."

                                              Will did like having a tree in his room this year....

                                  It was a fun game everyday to un-decorate the tree and re-decorate

                       Brooke brought the true spirit of giving into our home when she did this for Will.....

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