Thursday, May 30, 2013

Polka Dot Pizza

Have you ever thought of the pepperoni on a pizza as anything but pepperoni? We have been blessed that Will's allergies are getting better! A few months ago when Will was so sad about not getting pizza with his sissy Brooke, we decided to take off all the cheese and just let him eat the bread. He was in heaven and we did tell him that it might make him itch, but it was his choice if he wanted it. Well, he did okay with it...His eczema got really bad, but he wasn't have scratching fits like normal...So ever since we have been giving it to him that way. 

So the other day when we were having pizza Will suddenly got out of his chair, walked to the time out corner and started crying. I went and asked him what was wrong and he kept saying, " I want the polka dots, I want the polka dots. " I had no idea he knew what a polka dot was?...I kept asking him, " what polka dots?" He took me to Brooke's pizza and said, " I want the polka dots. "   So it's no longer pepperoni pizza in our house...It's polka dot pizza!

He is almost three-years old! My own prince Will is getting so smart! So funny! And as always continues to be one stubborn little cookie!

I read once that children who learn to recognize letters and numbers as toddlers, have higher IQs. That's why Brooke could read at three-years old. Will isn't quiet as interested as Brooke was, but he is interested! And we are talking letters all day long! Kevin says not to be surprised if my kids end up with tattoos when they are older, because I write the letter on their hand as toddlers and we talk about the sound and letter all day long! It's my own method I decided would help me remember to teach ;)

Have you ever been so tired you fall asleep at the table? Well Will does occasionally... It always amazes me and I feel like a bad Mom to have let him get so tired!

Will has decided sticking things down your shirt is a way of making your own pocket. His imagination is huge! He can find anything and decide it's a sword. When pieces of the vacuum go missing, I know just where to look for them.

Will loves his Daddy so much! Will asks me almost everyday, " Can I call my Daddy? " as he hands me my phone...

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