Monday, March 10, 2014

Second Grade Living Museum

Brooke came home about a month ago and said she had to dress up as someone famous for a project in school. She said that she chose a runner because she thought I was a famous runner, but she had to chose someone black, so she couldn't chose me, but she chose Jackie Joyner Kersee instead.

I was so surprised that Brooke considers me a runner still, even though I can't even run anymore without my neck hurting. Brooke is so sweet that she wanted to chose me as someone to do her report on, and that she remembered all my medals she saw me win when she was probably two years old.

Brooke came home after telling me this and went to the drawer where the medals are put away. She was excited that she would have a chance to wear them at school.

Brooke and I talked about the way people win medals, and how I spent a lot of time practicing running before I went to those races. We also talked about how I am glad I don't spend that much time running anymore, because now I have time to do other things that her and I both know are more important.

Brooke did an amazing job at the living museum that the Second Grade put together for the parents to come too. Brooke had to memorize a biography about Jackie Joyner Kersee, whom was the first African American woman to win the gold four times in a row. The parents of all the children walked around the room and pushed a sticker button on the child's desk and listened to them tell about the famous person that they were representing.

Brooke was not shy at all in her performances. Brooke also had her whole biography memorized, and did not even have the report she wrote on her desk, like most needed to use.

Brooke showed great responsibility as she took it upon herself to memorize this every day after school. I didn't even tell Brooke to work on memorizing, she just went to her room and would practice saying her speech over and over.

Brooke continues to be such a hard worker and I am glad that she knows she doesn't need a medal to know that she did something well! But, she has character enough to strive to do her best at everything, even when no one is prompting her, or reminding her.

Brooke is such an amazing individual, and I feel thankful that she looks up to me as her Mother!

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