Monday, March 10, 2014


 Will got to dress up like a cowboy at pre-school last Thursday! He was loving wearing his hat to school, and going with the idea that he was going to a real Texas hoedown that day! In Will's class they have been learning about what Cowboys do. Will has made it clear to me a few times in the past couple weeks that he does not want to be a cowboy when he grows up. He says, " Mommy, I am just not Woody, I don't like cowboys, I am Spiderman. When I get big, the spider will bite me and I will take Spiderman's suit. "

 I am really crossing my fingers that this whole Spiderman obsession does fade out at some point, otherwise the Pack family might have to start going to Universal Studios as our family tradition versus Disney World ;)


              We all love living in Texas, so hearing these little toddlers sing about Texas is really sweet. 

        They told us all to put our hands on our heart as the kids sang the Texas song. Will aimed a little high and put his hands on his throat!!! At least he tried ;)

They sang: " I love the state where I live, and Texas is it's name-o. T-E-X-A-S, T-E-X-A-S, T-E-X-A-S, Texas is it's name-o.

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