Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Soaring Eagle - Respect

 Brooke was the first Soaring Eagle of the year last week!!!! On Friday Brooke was awarded in the assembly at school for the REACH reward, under this month's character trait that was specified as
" Respect".

Brooke was really excited to be the first Soaring Eagle of the year. For the past three years she has always been selected as the Soaring Eagle in the first few months of school, but never in the very first month. As always Brooke started jumping up and down with excitement when I told her the day of the assembly that she was going to be the Soaring Eagle. I think the teachers like it to be a complete surprise and then have the parents surprise them at the actual assembly. It might be selfish of me, but I did not want to miss out on my precious little girl's face expression as she found this good news out. Also, Brooke probably wouldn't jump up and down in front of her teacher like that, so I let her have the opportunity at home. ;)

I am really proud of Brooke for always showing such respect for her classmates and teachers. Brooke always kind of gets the brunt of hard situations at school, which makes it even more admirable that she is respectful of her peers. Brooke almost always is sat next to the most talkative child in class. Right now she is next to the boy who has to also have empty desks around just her and him. So not only is Brooke respectful under normal circumstances, Brooke is respectful under even the hardest circumstances.

Brooke relayed to me what her teacher has been telling her lately. Brooke said, " My teacher keeps telling me that I am super patient with ------ ( I wont name names ) .I think she says that because he can act just like Will a lot. He is really smart, but he just can't stop talking and waving his hand in my face."

Brooke enjoyed having ice cream as her special treat for being the Soaring Eagle, and the date was just with me, as Grandma and Grandpa had Will for a couple hours on Sat. night. 

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