Monday, January 19, 2015

Cup Cake Cafe

             One of Brooke's and my most favorite things about our resort that we stayed at in Mexico, was the all inclusive cupcake cafe! I got caught taking Brooke and Will there right after breakfast on our first day at the resort. Now come on...who cares if it's 10 am and we were supposed to be going to the lobby to get new wrist bands? We got the new wrist bands, and saw this when we got lost trying to find the beach! How can you pass up this kind of a shop while on vacation?!!

The funny part was I turned myself in when I saw Kevin and Aunt Doreen ( his sister ) walking past the shop, I ran our the door and said, " Hi! "....and of course Kevin called me a "little weasel" for taking the kids there in the morning and for the first time on the trip without him!

Don't send me wandering around Mexico alone if you don't want me to find fun things without you ;)
I always find my way to sweets....Grandma Turano says she thinks my blood must taste like sugar...
I bet she is right! ;)

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