Saturday, January 3, 2015

Meaning In The Yellow Shirts

You might be wondering why I placed these pictures on an entry about our recent trip to Mexico? These pictures have significance to me. This was Will's third birthday party at Chucky Cheese with family and friends. I made his cookie cakes especially for him with ingredients I knew wouldn't make him break out into a rash.

Grandpa William Turano took these pictures of me at the party with Will on my lap. Grandpa Turano is the only one whom has ever picked up on the fact that capturing priceless moments on camera is a big deal to me, or at least one of the only ones whom wants to help me in my desires to capture these natural moments. I Always I have to ask to take posed pictures of myself because no one takes natural pictures of me, but Grandpa Turano did whenever he came in for birthday parties, etc.. He would grab my camera when it wasn't in my hands, and he'd start snapping those real moments that I don't get to be in of my family that I love so much.

He knew that it was important to me, and that was one way that he showed that he loved me.

We really missed Grandpa Turano on our trip that HE AND DOREEN planned to Mexico.

He was a major designer in the yellow shirts that he and Aunt Doreen designed and had ordered for us to wear on our trip.

I know that he was smiling down from above and very happy that we still went on the trip, and that his precious wife was able to have all of her children and their families on a tropical trip for Christmas.

There were some sad moments to be had missing him, but as we wore the yellow shirts that Grandpa Turano made, we actually had a piece of him with us, and of course he is always in our hearts.

Grandma Turano placed a picture of him in her hotel room, so that he could be with us on the trip that way as well.

We love you Grandpa Turano, and we will be looking forward to being with you again....

Here you are in the yellow shirt, on the trip with us.... I am glad that you chose yellow, because you were always making us laugh and brightening our lives with your phone calls , debating emails, and trips to come visit us in Texas.


Lydia, Brooke, Alaina and Will 
                                  Grandma Turano and every single one of her grandchildren!

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