Monday, March 28, 2016

Silver - My Princesses Princess

It is pretty common knowledge that when spring comes we like to have some fun with a new pet in our house. My pet adventures have come to an end as Brooke has assured me that since I decided to get her - my princess - a princess cat of her own - she will not ever let me tire of her pets anymore, and " this one is going to college with her" as she reprimands me about only keeping pets temporarily - all these years of her life.

I am sure thankful that my family is patient with me and the ways that I like to entertain my children. ( Poor and nice Kevin )

And, Brooke really did deserve a pure bred Bengal queen, because Brooke has a royal heart that gives compliments, help and love to me non-stop.

Thank goodness that only a few days after Will telling me that I was obviously the " badest " driver in town....

I was able to hang onto the sweet thing that Brooke said to me, as we were driving - Brooke had her nose in a book as usual - but she suddenly looked up and said to me, " Mommy, I just found out that what you are is an optimist." I said, " Really? How do you know that? " She said, " Well, they just described the character in this book as an optimist and this character is always saying what is good about everything even when it is the worst thing happening - so now I know that you are an optimist."

I smiled, and said, " I am only an optimist because I have you as a daughter, nothing could ever go totally wrong with you around me. ;) "

Brooke also told me that I reminded her of the girl bunny in the movie Zootopia? I guess I do get to be quite relentless at times?

Brooke is having lots of fun with her cats. Actually her and Will have become quite obsessed with cats. I received a call from Grandma Pack as she was watching Brooke and Will one day, and she said,

" Emily, your kids are obsessed with cats. All they talk about is their cats, and they just want to watch the movie the Aristocats over and over."

Hmmmm......We have more influence over our children than we realize, don't we? I sure hope I can find some good lessons to teach Brooke and Will this time - rather than finding another person that I think will love our pet.

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