Wednesday, May 25, 2016

33 and Sea World

I requested to go to Sea World for my Thirty-Third Birthday! I knew that a weekend break would be much needed with the busy schedules, work load and school work that has been our lives lately. 


My favorite gift to receive is seeing my children happy, and Brooke and Will had never been to Sea World! ( That Brooke could remember ) 

I received just what I wanted as there was lots of excitement and smiles going around!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Brooke Setting Goals

I am not sure how I deserved to receive such a loving, smart, hard-working, creative and faithful daughter? 

Considering the witnesses of Brooke's amazing talents in just the past couple weeks alone would be enough for a lifetime of proud mother moments. 

One might consider the fact that Brooke was chosen to represent her school in the District UIL competition and the fact that she wrote on spot with one prompt, was timed, and given rules to follow - and still came out with sixth place in the Prosper ISD competition as the highest witness to Brooke's brains....

But, I that's not the highest witness that this week brought...

One might consider  the fact that Brooke scored with an end of  11th Grade Year ability in the MAP Score Testing in MATH! Or, the fact that Brooke is in the Gifted and Talented Program at her school and achieves the Gifted And Talent Math well, as witness to her talents....

But, that is not the highest witness....

Here is...

On Sunday Brooke liked the Sacrament Talk given by our previous Bishop so much that she came home and made her own Goal Chart. I did not prompt or advise Brooke to do this. As I went into Brooke's room to read scriptures with her on Sunday night, she had pasted her made up list of goals for a three month period and with boxes made up where she could check off if she had accomplished her goals!

Her precious list includes being nicer to her brother! Praying! Reading Scriptures! 

Oh, how wonderful Brooke's ability to listen and learn are - 

But, even more fantastic is Brooke's ability to take what she learns and put it into action! 

I feel so blessed and overwhelmed to have been given a daughter like my Brooke....

Here is a copy of the talk that inspired Brooke so_

Bishop Scholl wrote:

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

         My heart rejoices every single day at the blessing that I have to be a Mother....
 This Mother's Day when I received this letter from Brooke, I felt immensely blessed and I desired to be the kind of Mother that deserves such a gracious daughter as her.

I know that it is my Heavenly Father's marvelous plan to allow us to come to earth that we can come to know Him better, and become more like Him. 

            There are not adequate words to explain how thankful that I am to be called Mother, and to have a perfect Father in Heaven, whom gave me His perfect Son, to fulfill a perfect plan. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Grandma's Gift to Me!

                              Today is my Mother's birthday, and there is hardly a better way to explain
my Mother's loving heart, than by explaining this...

My Mom doesn't really like the heat. Actually that is an Mother hates the heat.

But, even so, upon my request that her and my Dad come to Sea World with my family in celebration of my birthday and her birthday...

Not only did her and my Father drive five hours to a extra heated part of Texas, but when we tried to keep asking her what she wanted to do today - she said that she only wanted us to be happy, and then she bought us tickets to meet Will's favorite animal in the whole world - in person...

So, needless to say, perhaps when I wanted to go to Sea World for my birthday celebration because there is nothing that I love more than seeing my children smile and have fun...I may have inherited that love for fun with my children from her...

And, boy are Brooke and Will some lucky children to have not only  a Mom whom wants to show them a fun time, but to have an incredible Grandma who has the same kinds of birthday wishes as their Mom....

                         PS. Even before this encounter Will had about ten stuffed penguins...
                      So that look on his face and knowing that, should pretty much explain the way this was
                                                       a incomprehensible treat for Will.
                    Brooke really liked it too, and for that I was so happy...because she deserves it, my sweet sweet Brookeeee.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Dessert First

 Kevin and I almost always start with dessert first! Whiskey Cake has to be one of the yummiest things in the world. Perfect start to a delicious dinner for a celebration of partnership with this handsome husband...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Eleven Year Anniversary

Today makes 11 years with my wonderful husband. Kevin is the best example that I have ever had in the "Golden Rule" to treat others the way that you want to be treated. He is not only absolutely gorgeous on the outside, but he is is beautiful on the inside too. What one of my best girlfriends said about Kevin is true , " That to know Kevin, is to love him." I am truly blessed to be partners with an amazing father, loyal friend, genius entrepreneur, creative artist, hopeless romantic, and Libertarian Activist. I look forward to the future that I know is blessed in God, with this man by by side. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Dear Time

Dear Time,  
please slow down. Based on what my Will said to me last night as we read scriptures, I can tell my baby isn't a baby. He is eager to grow up and I don't like it.

As we read scriptures Will stopped me mid-sentence and said, " You know everyday I just want to see Him." I said, " See who? " since we were reading about Ammon. Will answered, " I want to see God. But I dont think I can because He would be really brighter than the sun. " I said, " You will see Him someday Will. Right now you are here on Earth to prepare and learn so you can live with Him." Will said confidently, " Maybe if I saw Him, I wouldn't even know because I would just think it was the sun?" 

Too quick for me to respond he then changed to a serious tone and said, " I have a problem though." 
I was eager to hear because his face was sulking suddenly. Will said so embarrassed, " But do I have to kiss when I get married? Because I really don't want to kiss." 

Will's Mommy