Monday, May 2, 2016

Dear Time

Dear Time,  
please slow down. Based on what my Will said to me last night as we read scriptures, I can tell my baby isn't a baby. He is eager to grow up and I don't like it.

As we read scriptures Will stopped me mid-sentence and said, " You know everyday I just want to see Him." I said, " See who? " since we were reading about Ammon. Will answered, " I want to see God. But I dont think I can because He would be really brighter than the sun. " I said, " You will see Him someday Will. Right now you are here on Earth to prepare and learn so you can live with Him." Will said confidently, " Maybe if I saw Him, I wouldn't even know because I would just think it was the sun?" 

Too quick for me to respond he then changed to a serious tone and said, " I have a problem though." 
I was eager to hear because his face was sulking suddenly. Will said so embarrassed, " But do I have to kiss when I get married? Because I really don't want to kiss." 

Will's Mommy 

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