Monday, May 23, 2016

Brooke Setting Goals

I am not sure how I deserved to receive such a loving, smart, hard-working, creative and faithful daughter? 

Considering the witnesses of Brooke's amazing talents in just the past couple weeks alone would be enough for a lifetime of proud mother moments. 

One might consider the fact that Brooke was chosen to represent her school in the District UIL competition and the fact that she wrote on spot with one prompt, was timed, and given rules to follow - and still came out with sixth place in the Prosper ISD competition as the highest witness to Brooke's brains....

But, I that's not the highest witness that this week brought...

One might consider  the fact that Brooke scored with an end of  11th Grade Year ability in the MAP Score Testing in MATH! Or, the fact that Brooke is in the Gifted and Talented Program at her school and achieves the Gifted And Talent Math well, as witness to her talents....

But, that is not the highest witness....

Here is...

On Sunday Brooke liked the Sacrament Talk given by our previous Bishop so much that she came home and made her own Goal Chart. I did not prompt or advise Brooke to do this. As I went into Brooke's room to read scriptures with her on Sunday night, she had pasted her made up list of goals for a three month period and with boxes made up where she could check off if she had accomplished her goals!

Her precious list includes being nicer to her brother! Praying! Reading Scriptures! 

Oh, how wonderful Brooke's ability to listen and learn are - 

But, even more fantastic is Brooke's ability to take what she learns and put it into action! 

I feel so blessed and overwhelmed to have been given a daughter like my Brooke....

Here is a copy of the talk that inspired Brooke so_

Bishop Scholl wrote:

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