Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bold and Resiliant

Brooke's teachers wrote an acrosic poem about her :

Open minded
Eager to succeed

These words truly do describe my princess Brooke.

Brooke has come home from school with some stories lately about some of the other children being mean to less popular classmates.

I was so proud as Brooke told me that she stuck up for a classmate and when her friends said, " Brooke, you are going to make the popular kids not like you if you do that." Brooke tols me that her reply to her friends was, " I don't care what the other kids think, or about being popular."

Brooke really does stand up for right, and the results are not startling to me at all, as Brooke is bold, kind and resiliant, she is never lacking friends or popularity.

A few days ago I felt happy that Brooke asked me to go to her school and have lunch with her. I know this will probably be the last year that she asks me to come sit with her at lunch, give me a hug afterwards, and tell me that she loves me, in front of her frienbs?

But, I suppose I could be wrong since Brooke doesn't care about what other kids think?

Either way I savored the lunch with her!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Replacing the Skirts with Earings

I was pretty disappointed when my little princess decided she did not want to wear skirts to school everyday. I will tell you what, we had a great run of years which began in Kindergarten that Brooke refused to wear anything but skirts to school and I LOVED IT!

I loved to go shopping with Brooke for the pinkest, girliest outfit we could find. It was fun!

This year as Brooke only wanted Nike tennis shoes, I said okay grudgingly, but thought, you know want to be in Nikes everyday, that's good if you are going to use them!

Brooke not wearing skirts is just fine! Brooke and I have enjoyed working out together a couple times lately; running hills and at the gym and she loves it! Which is exciting to see her love something with me!

Although we didn't shop for skirts this year, Brooke took on a girly challange that she said she would not do until she was twelve-years old, each time that I asked. Begining a couple years ago I would ask Brooke about once a year, if she was ready to get her ears pierced? She always said not until she is twelve, no questions asked.

A few weeks ago Brooke brought it up, and asked if I would take her out to do this? I was so excited for her!

When Brooke decides she is going to do something, she does it. We arrived at the jewlry store and she was all smiles.

It was so fun to see her replace those skirts, with some feminine earings! 😉

I am amazed at Brooke's strong personality that can't be swayed when she puts her mind to something. She is going to make a big difference in this world, for all who get to know her!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sharing about Jesus

I keep thinking the days of Will excitedly running to my side, with a Dandelion in hand will soon be coming to an end? I have been pleasantly surprised twice in the last week as he has sweetly expressed his love for me as he says proudly, " Mommy, I have a flower for you! "

It is almost as if Will just keeps getting sweeter and his testimony of the scriptures and Jesus Christ comtinues to grow.

I was so proud that only the second week into school Will shared his testimony about Jesus Christ at his table in class.

Will told the story by first telling me, " Mommy, did you know that some people don't know about Jesus?"

Will said this a little sad and shock sounding in his voice.

I asked, " Well how do you know that they don't know who Jesus is? "

Will continued to explain that he wanted to talk about Jesus because He is special, but that some of the kids said they didn't know who he was talking about.

Now, I knowing how deep Will can get into doctrinal questions know he might have just been going over their heads with his thoughts, but it was previous to me to know that Jesus was important enough to Will that he wanted to talk about Him, and I suppose at some time we all have been saddened to know that some do not joy in the truths that we know in the gospel and about Jesus Christ.

What a lesson and first experience for a Kindergartener.

I am thankful that Will knows that I love my Savior very much as he expressed that he knows that the other night. Will and I were watching a video about The Brother of Jared before bed, and Will showed me that he has no doubt that The Brother of Jared saw the finger of the Lord abd infact when I asked him how this was possible, in order to ensure Will was grasoing the principles being taught, Will said, " Because He believed in God so much." Then he continued and it melted my heart to hear him say, " Mommy, I bet you could do that." I said, " Do what Will? " He said, " See God, because you believe in Him so much. "

It is true Will, I do believe in God so much and I lo e Him more than anything there ever was ir could be, because He gave me thr chance to come toveartg, obtain a body, and learn and grow. He forgives me when I fail each day and He provides me with all of the chances I will need to become more like Him, who has the fullest joy. He gave me you and Brooke and I am so amazed that I get to be your Mother.

I know that there are great lessons that I will continue to learn from you both forever and eternity as we will be united and sealed someday.