Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Thank You Gramdma Turano

I am positive that Brooke and Will are never going to forget the trips that Grandma Turano has taken us on.
Grandma Turano is very generous as she took this entire group of every grandchild she has and all of her children but Leonard to Mexico this Christmas. We missed Leonard this trip, but at least we got his son Dominic!

       All of Brooke and Will's Turano side cousins!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Brooke is in DMCO

                         Since Brooke enjoyed being in the fourth - grade Choir so much last year,
                       this year , we enrolled Brooke into one of the largest full orchestra and choirs around.

                       The  Dallas Millennial Choir and Orchestra is so great for Brooke to be a part of!

        Brooke really enjoys working with professional directors of music, and I am personally very thankful for this program that allows for children across multiple states, to spend a portion of their time not only on learning and developing a talent, but worshiping in song at the same time, as all
  of the songs that they sing are Christian oriented, uplifting and edifying.

                Brooke performed with the full orchestra and entire choir for a Christmas concert,
                            and it was absolutely inspirational and impressive.
                  Brooke looked just like a beautiful angel singing praises to our Lord, in celebration of
                                                                                His birth....
               This Summer, Brooke will travel to Salt Lake City and record the program to go on CD .


Will's Appreciative

            Will had seen his big sister awarded the " Soaring Eagle Award : enough times that he could not
                   wait to finally have the chance to win once he would finally be in Kindergarten.

                              For the month of December, Will was chosen as the Soaring Eagle 
                                        for the character trait of " appreciation ". 
                                 Will's teacher told me after the award assembly and during the 
                                     Christmas party, that Will, " Always has an appreciative attitude, says 
                                   thank you, and appreciates being at school.

                              I really believe this about Will because Will loves going to school. 
                        When Will says the night-time prayer, he most always says that he is                                                      " thankful for his school." When Will has been sick, Will is most sad to miss school.

                       Even though there are only two boys in Will's Kindergarten class, Will 
                         has as much fun as possible learning and getting the attention of 
                          not only the girls in his class, but the boys in the other classes.
               I am sure this is one reason Will appreciates going to school, since Will is VERY social.
                       Each time that I have gone to Will's school during his lunch, 
                Will has gobs of little boys coming up to me and telling me all the 
                things that Will told them, ( things like Will has a plan to catch a shark)
                       and they even tell me that Will was their first friend in their new school.

                       I am glad that Will acts appreciative at the chance to go to school, and 
                         that he finally received the chance to be awarded like his big sister that he 
                          wants to be just like!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Beach Games

                              So Daddy was a good sport when Will said that he wanted to burry his
                         him in the sand.  Uncle Jeff  was quick to jump in on that idea of Will's!  Even
                      Daddy was having a good laugh....until the Seagulls started gathering
                     near us, and of course, Uncle Jeff had to put bread all over Daddy, in hopes that the birds would eat off  Daddy's face! Brooke did not think this was funny, and the birds did think about it....
                         But, Daddy must have lucked out because of good karma. ;)

Surprise Star War Theme

                                One of the first things that we ran into while in Mexico, on our way to the beach, was the children's disco! Will was thrilled to see the theme of this dance floor, and it was a bit of a surprise to us later that night that he just had to go back, and get his groove on! Truly funny to watch Will have fun dancing with the other kiddos on the Star War themed disco tech dance floor!

                Will is not shy to show off his moves at all!!!!!
                                    I tried to get Brooke to dance with me, but she would not, and that's okay. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Shark Tooth

Remember Will's fear of swimming in the ocean, because he was afraid of sharks? Do you remember the fact that Will seemed so determined that he would not swim in the ocean that we were convinced he could use more swimming lessons, in order to feel more comfortable in the water?

Well, Will's wildest imaginations of what going on a trip to Mexico, and swimming in the ocean would be like, actually became a reality for him! 

Will would infact be face to face with a shark on our trip!

Will had been having so much fun in the ocean that his fear of sharks seem to fade...

I thought Will was good to go and would be ready to face his fears when we found out that we were being taken to visit a nurse shark as part of our excursion.

Will was super excited to pet the baby shark, but as the Turano's paraded to the dock and holding cell of the innocent baby shark, Will happened to fall on the dock! He had scrapped his leg! Will was making such a scene with tears and cries that our tour guide picked him up to carry and comfort him! 

What the tour guide didn't understand was that not only was Will sad about his little scrape, he was crying in English to the Mexican that was holding him,

" The shark is going to smell my blood! Sharks like to eat blood! I need a band-aid." 

All the while, I was trying to run after Brooke whom was so excited that she was ahead of everyone. I  then began asking people if they had a band-aid on my way to catch up with her!

My question may have made more sense to the random question as the Mexican came past holding a little boy that was saying, 

" I have to cover up my blood for the shark to not smell it!" 

I guess when I told Will that the babies don't care about blood, this shark was fed all day, and then he saw his sister, and myself having fun petting the shark...

His drama died...

And we all had fun petting what may or may not have been a nurse shark in Mexico? 

Of course Will had to get a necklace with a shark tooth as his souvenir on our next stop to the city...