Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Will's Appreciative

            Will had seen his big sister awarded the " Soaring Eagle Award : enough times that he could not
                   wait to finally have the chance to win once he would finally be in Kindergarten.

                              For the month of December, Will was chosen as the Soaring Eagle 
                                        for the character trait of " appreciation ". 
                                 Will's teacher told me after the award assembly and during the 
                                     Christmas party, that Will, " Always has an appreciative attitude, says 
                                   thank you, and appreciates being at school.

                              I really believe this about Will because Will loves going to school. 
                        When Will says the night-time prayer, he most always says that he is                                                      " thankful for his school." When Will has been sick, Will is most sad to miss school.

                       Even though there are only two boys in Will's Kindergarten class, Will 
                         has as much fun as possible learning and getting the attention of 
                          not only the girls in his class, but the boys in the other classes.
               I am sure this is one reason Will appreciates going to school, since Will is VERY social.
                       Each time that I have gone to Will's school during his lunch, 
                Will has gobs of little boys coming up to me and telling me all the 
                things that Will told them, ( things like Will has a plan to catch a shark)
                       and they even tell me that Will was their first friend in their new school.

                       I am glad that Will acts appreciative at the chance to go to school, and 
                         that he finally received the chance to be awarded like his big sister that he 
                          wants to be just like!


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