Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Brooke is in DMCO

                         Since Brooke enjoyed being in the fourth - grade Choir so much last year,
                       this year , we enrolled Brooke into one of the largest full orchestra and choirs around.

                       The  Dallas Millennial Choir and Orchestra is so great for Brooke to be a part of!

        Brooke really enjoys working with professional directors of music, and I am personally very thankful for this program that allows for children across multiple states, to spend a portion of their time not only on learning and developing a talent, but worshiping in song at the same time, as all
  of the songs that they sing are Christian oriented, uplifting and edifying.

                Brooke performed with the full orchestra and entire choir for a Christmas concert,
                            and it was absolutely inspirational and impressive.
                  Brooke looked just like a beautiful angel singing praises to our Lord, in celebration of
                                                                                His birth....
               This Summer, Brooke will travel to Salt Lake City and record the program to go on CD .


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