Wednesday, June 14, 2017

End of Kindergarten

Will had a great Kindergarten year with Mrs.Buck! On the last day of school, all the children in Will's class received a reward from Mrs.Buck which tells a little bit about each child.

Will received the " Curious Cat " award  because " Will is curious about the world around him."

When I saw this reward from his teacher, I knew she really knew Will, because that is exactly how I would describe Will as well.

    You truly live in excitement about life, with anticipation to learn about even the deep things of life.

On Mother's Day, you asked me if we had a Heavenly Mother and what her name is? When you said your night time prayer that night, you prayed, " Thank you for our Heavenly Mother even though I don't know her name."

Will, you love to learn about nature, and you recently collected two live snails from the backyard.

You didn't just want to keep them, but you wanted to know how to take care of them. You made a little cage for these two snails, and each day after school you would come home, and change their cage by giving them fresh dirt, new dandelions, and fresh water.

You learned online that this was what snails eat, and you really made them your pets. At night in your prayer, you even prayed thank you for your snails.

 Will, you showed the depth of your love for nature, and life when you came home from school one day and took your snail cage outside. When you came back in the house, the cage was empty.

I asked you what happened to the snails? You said, " I was not taking as good care of them as I should, and they would probably die soon, so I let them go. "

 The fact that you were thinking of these little snails lives was so sweet. The fact that you wanted to know how to care for them showed me how you have become a child of our Heavenly Father who wants to learn, help and enjoy what Father gives us.

Your teacher wrote you a little note as I asked her to on the last day of school. She said to you Will:

" I am so proud of all that you have accomplished this year! You are going to do amazing things in the future, Have a great time in First Grade! Love, Mrs. Buck. "


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