Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Going to Middle School

Brooke, You are so grown up and ready to go into Middle School in just a couple months!!!

Fifth Grade had it's ups and downs for you Brooke.
When things became challenging for you Brooke, you did something that shows who you are.

Over Valentine's Day your class was brought to the Special Needs classrooms to do some service.

That day after your visit to care for those less fortunate you came home and told me that when you were helping there, you had love for each of those children and that you felt the spirit with them.

Brooke, you visited the Special Needs classroom with a friend every single recess that you had with a friend for the next few months after that first day.

One day you made such an impact that one of the Special Needs Teachers came outside after school to my car, all to let me know how special that my daughter is that she helps the children and them, so much.

Eventually your friend Lali stopped going with you, but you continued to show your unselfishness and desire to give as you went each recess alone.

When I met one of the children's ( Ariel ) mothers of a special needs daughter, she began to cry to me and let me know how much it means to have any other child or person take interest in a child with such needs. She explained that most children will not take the time, or feel uncomfortable with children so different and lacking in speech.

I know you are such a special girl whom I am honored to be your Mother Brooke.

I am thankful that you truly try to learn from me and all of your teachers.

Congrats on going to Middle School Brooke!!!

We are all so proud of you and love you so much!

Love - Mommy

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