Thursday, June 22, 2017

Happy Seventh Birthday Will

Happy Birthday William Allen Turano! Will, my heart beats stronger and literally faster because of you. As long as the universe and galaxies exist, as you would say, I am a changed person because I have you as my son.

It is those times and days that you run up to me and hand me a flower, or give me a note that you wrote yourself, that I know why God gave us children.

Life is rich when I see your eyes light up with excitement, or when you play with my hair as we lay in bed reading scriptures.

It is such a surprise to be with you, my son. Just when I think you might not be listening Will, you delight me with impressive details about something I have taught you, and then you even add comments to my statements that truly intrigue me.

Aunt Audrey said of you this week, " Will has a heart of gold." She is right. You tease, lick, poke and play like most little boys, but unlike many little boys, you pray with passion. You thank God each night for everything, and I mean everything! From water that your drink, from the pencil you write with, or the fact that you learned how to open a can that do not forget to give Father in Heaven thanks.

Brooke said of you today Will, " Mommy, I really really love Will." I said, " I know." She said, " But, Mommy, he is my most favorite boy that I have ever met ever."

You are loved. You are cherished. You bring laughter into our home. You bring excitement to our journey, and most of all, you help us want to be better people because we want to the best for you.

Happy Happy Seventh Birthday Will!!!!!!


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