Sunday, March 18, 2018

Bridged into Young Women

 Brooke graduated from Primary at church! It was a long awaited day for Brooke to move into the Young Women's Program at church. The last few months being in Primary can be brutal for a pre-teen that suddenly feels so much more mature, and wants to learn from the older girls, not Sunbeams.

She will always be a Sunbeam to me, but I am certain that Brooke has a lot of great experiences to share with the Young Women in her class. When Brooke heard that the Young Women now each take turns teaching, some Sundays, she was not nervous, but very excited!

Brooke is growing into a beautiful and strong young lady, that I know Father in Heaven sent to this earth at a time that she could make a difference, because of her strengths.

Your kindness and responsible nature often inspires me and I know I am special to have received your spirit, to nurture and teach the gospel to, while on this earth. 

Mommy 💝

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