Sunday, March 18, 2018

Bursts of love from Will

Time has been flying and Will keeps growing up way too fast! Will has been considering all the options in this existence.

A world of wonder Will sees is still not the most important thing to him. Though Will comes across as just ball of energy, ready to combust at any moment, Will actually is a deep thinker, esspecially considering he is 7 years old.

Will asked me a few days ago if I thought he could go live in space, in a space station. We discussed the need for extended education and he said, well, maybe I won't do that?

A few days after Will asked me about joining NASA, Will said to me, " You know, I really do want to go back to Heaven and live with Jesus again, but I really like earth, so I think I will stay along time. I hope I live along time Mommy."
 I said I hope he lives a long time too!

Will has lots of friends at school. Each time I go to his school little boys are constantly screaming his name like he is a celebrity and waving.

When Will brought his own money he earned to the book fair that his school recently had, Will showed he appreciates all of the friendships he has; Will bought all of his friends invisible ink writing pens. He had a bag full of them after school. As if that was not enough of showing kindness, Will surprised me even more when he ran with his bag of pens, laid them on the floor, and grabbed his stash of sharktooth necklaces and laid one sharktooth next to each pen.

The next time I visited the school, sure enough one little boy ran over to talk to Will and he had on a very familiar sharktooth necklace.

As much as I felt like those necklaces were bought for Will, I refrained from saying anything as I was happy that Will wanted to share his love with his friends.

Will went to the recording studio with me a few weeks ago. I was really looking forward to this because Will always tells me that he likes my music .Sometimes after I have been out for church callings, etc. When I come home Will says, " Oh were you gone making another song!? I love your songs Mommy! "

Will thought all the guitars were cool and the headphones that make you hear yourself as if you were inside your own voicebox.

If you notice in this list Will has described himself in, on this leaf on a tree in his classroom, Will has mentioned two of his friends at school. Will also mentioned his cats which are a great joy to him. Will even gives them baths!

Will, Thank you for being so sweet and for bursting out moments of love as your energy spins around our house.

Love ,
        Mommy 💝

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