Monday, August 20, 2018

2nd Grader Will

As I walked Will into the school for his first year in second grade he told me he was worried the other kids were going to think his Mom is a teenager. That actually made me feel bad, but I know someday he is going to get a laugh out of it when he reads this.

He kept going on and on...I said, " I am not a teenager Will." Responded Will, " But, you look like one .You are the size of one, and you and Brooke are almost the same height."

Will though very active, is taking in everything very deeply. I am often shocked that he recalls things that I, or someone has said.

Will helped me out by listening to the spirit as I was sad the other day.

Will gave me great advise. Will said, " Mommy, when you are sad, you should not think about what people who don't love you think, you should think about the people who love you and what they think of you, and I love you and think you are the best Mommy in the world. "

I could hardly believe at eight Will was telling me to focus on the things that matter most- like him.

Will later in the conversation also advised me this, he said, " Mommy, even when bad things happen to you or anyone, they are actually good; because sometimes to get to a good thing, something bad has to happen first. "

I agreed in shock again and said, " Will, how do you know this? "

He gave me the credit! He said, " You taught me."

I thought...when did I tell him that?
I could only remember teaching him about Joseph being sold in Egypt and that having to happen for him to later be in a position to save the Israelites with food, and land, during a famine.

The last thing that Will said that I know what!? I should use that line in a song..

Will said, "Mommy, we sometimes see shadows, but there is always light. That's what helps us see the shadow."

Your advise to me was a blessing of the Lord and He has greatly blessed me to have a son whom also often shares testimony of Jesus Christ, and is clearly close to the spirit. You were speaking with the tounge of an angel as you comforted me. I write this for you to see that the Lord has and will use you in your life to help His children, or all of our brothers and sisters here on earth..You are wise in all things spiritual and even though you had a few min. In sacrament this week where you were impatient, when church was over, you wouldn't let me carry my bag to the car. You said, " Mommy, let me carry your bag." You practically were dragging it down the hall...but you were determined to be of service to me. Never forget what a precious spirit and soul that you have been blessed with Will. The world will pull you from every limb to satisfy your own glory and vain ambition, but I know because of who you are matter where you will always end up with me and Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Love you my prince,

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