Sunday, September 16, 2018

Always remember your value

Brooke continues to catch up and soon will surpass me in height. Besides the hormonal mood swings of all teenagers, Brooke seems to be anything but a 7th grader. Brooke continues to be responsible and intelligent beyond her age.

A few weeks ago I received a letter in the mail which stated that Brooke scored a 96% on the Texas Star Testing, and has been selected by Duke University to participate in an academically talented resource to help " gifted children reach their full potential".

Brooke will be prepared at a young age to take the ACT and SAT.

The letter stated that very few students qualify for the resources and talent search that Duke provides, so of course Brooke has been enrolled.

I am so proud most of all of your testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know how important the journey here on earth is Brooke, and I know that because you prepared your own lesson to give to your church class, the day after you were assigned to teach. When I asked you if you wanted to bring a treat to share with your class on Sat. Morning before your lesson you said, " No! " You said that you did not want it to take away from your lesson and you did not need that. I asked if you were sure, because it would be fine and fun and you knew that was not the important part about giving your lesson.
I am so proud to be your Mom, Brooke.
You like to be productive, and often tell me during your free time that you just wish you were old enough to get a job. Sometimes I find you cleaning up or doing math without me asking. You do not procrastinate your work Brooke.
Because of your testimony and desire to be productive in your life, I know the Lord will have great work for you in His Kingdom.
I hope you always remember how I see you. I hope that when the people engrossed in the lighter matters of this world do not praise you for your spirituality, or eternal value, that you will remember how those who aren't blinded by the fog of the world see you; like me and of course, Your Father in Heaven.

           I am grateful to be your Mom. I love you Brooke.

                 Love- Mommy

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