Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Spirit makes intersession- Brooke

Brooke is quickly and steadily growing into a young woman that I am very proud of, and speaking of growing, she is barely shorter than me now! Her foot has out grown mine and well, her intellectual abilities have always seemed to surpass mine!

My little gifted girl, is not a little girl anymore. The thing most impressive about Brooke is her drive that takes initiative on the things she is learning.

In the Young Womens Program at church Brooke is being encouraged to develop her own spirituality and while I have always promoted that in my home, she is listening to her leaders and I have pleasantly found Brooke reading her scriptures individually and she has been excitedly telling me things that stuck out to her.

I am so thankful that you asked me a wonderful question a few nights ago. You said, " Mom, Something is happening to me as I read my scriptures." I said, " What? " You said, " Other words come into my mind about what I am reading and they are thoughts from someone else." I asked, " Are they thoughts pertaining to you and your life? " You said yes. I explained that the spirit is making intersession for you to hear your own individual scripture messages from the Lord. I was very excited and happy you asked this, because that happens for me also, as I read my scriptures. I felt so thankful that you could verbalize something very special that is happening to you; because, along with other tender mercies the Lord has given me personally through you, this was truly a tender mercy for me to know that I am allowing for the spirit to influence on you as your Mother, and that your righteous desires and my righteous prayers that your testimony will be strong are indeed being answered. Brooke, I know that life is full of trials and tribulations, but I hope that you will look back at this someday and remember that the spirit is with you and making intersession for you to know the will of the Lord and that your Heavenly Father loves you so much and you even at a young age felt His spirit speaking to you. You are a blessing to me as my daughter and I am honored to be your Mother .


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