Saturday, March 6, 2021

Will and his charity


Before life moves so quickly that I don't document how you were the inspiration and motivation for Disney for us, I think you should know how much I am blessed by your love and the way you want others to feel happy. 

It was when I was watching Disney Plus with you, and this time I was not on my stairmaster behind the couch but happened to be next to you, and you wanted to watch the making of the city Bantu featured in the Star Wars series; you were watching the building and effort on film and during the unveiling of the city to the first time for the public, they showed a clip of the reaction of the fans, whom were blown away and emotional about their fantasy of Star Wars come alive. They had tears and when I looked over at you Will, you had tears of happiness with these avid fans. 

I thought to myself in that moment if there is any place that I can take my child that literally brings tears of joy to them, I want to do it, and knowing you weren't old enough to go to the temple yet, I decided I would get you back there. As you asked after embarrassed, as I saw your tears, " When can we go back? " 

For some time I thought it was the way you loved Star Wars that made you tear up to, but over the past couple weeks I have come to know it wasn't the Star Wars land, you were moved by the feelings that others had and I know that because when there was a homeless person we didn't have anything for, hours after you were still telling me you were worried about that man. Also, when I am sad you actually start up in tears in your eyes, yet you are trying yo hide it from me and you get concerned. A few days ago you were having a melt down about not getting some thing you wanted and I reminded you that some people live on dirt floors. I told you about when I was a kid and went to Guatemala and saw kids living in shacks and after about 5 min. You told me sorry Mom. 

On the way to school with two other neighbor boys that I drive, you have taught these boys about faith as each time I ask you to say a prayer for us, you never hesitate and pray with your peers right there with us. We started teaching them to pray and now when I ask who wants to say the prayer on our drive, because you never have once hesitated, they started saying, " I will. " speaking up and say " if you will help me." 

When these two boys are in a fight you do not tell on anyone, you told me that you just let it go when they are rude to you. 

Thank you for caring how others feel Will and I know you will do this through your entire life. 

When Jesus went to raise Lazarus from the dead He knew He would be able to help Lazarus live, but it says He had tears in His eyes, and I know that's because Jesus felt what Martha and Mary were feeling in compassion. 

You didn't want to go on Rockin Roller coaster but because I couldn't go as you had to have someone with you, at the last min. You felt for me and said, " Mom I will go so you can go. " I saud, " Will it is okay, I don't need to go. " You said. " Yes, you can go because I will go. " 

I held you with my arms around you and you were slightly hyperventilating, but it turned out that you really loved it. 

You will continue to be rewarded by Father in Heaven as you care and have compassion about how others feel WILL. 

You are my prince and my comfort at times when I need to feel I am making a difference. 

I love you Will. 


     Mommy 💝


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