Monday, March 22, 2021

Brooke is not blonde anymore



You were a trooper to go skiing with us when you seriously would rather do something else. I don't think any Mom who has a daughter with a 4.8 GPA and selected out of twenty teenagers at your school to join a college leadership program because your teachers see leadership qualities in you, has anything but praise worthy words to say! I asked you to take a few photos with me as a blonde that we had been adding for a few years, before you changed your hair to brown. You had such a huge smile in your face in these photos because I had just told you, " Okay, dye your hair brown if you want. " Actually seeing uhh smile is more important than the money spent once a year for you, to get it blonde. 

You are just smart but you have faith in Jesus Christ and it shows because you pay your tithing without me telling you to on Sundays and you always have said a prayer when I suggest it, because we are in need. You say, " I already prayed Mom." You tell me thank you for taking you to church, and you are the first one anyone who feels shy or in need would think to ask for help because you are kind, like our Savior. 

You are my princess Brooke, and I am so blessed to be your Mom. 

Love- Mommy💝

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