Friday, March 19, 2021

Will's Best Day



You said something on our annual ski trip that I don't get to hear out of your mouth too often. It was likely the best part of my trip with our family this March, along with your Dad's business partner and his family. 

You said, " This was the best day I ever had! " After we had finished snowmobiling in Colorado.  Last year when we went to Copper Mountain the ski resort was closed down due to the Covid-19 shut down, but we were able to try something new because of the shut down that we had not done before; snowmobiling. 

Since we all really liked it we were blessed that your Dad took us this year, one day instead of skiing. After a really rough first day of skiing for Brooke and your Dad with a boot too small all day, going to do something relaxing and pretty was really a favorite for Brooke and myself, but I didn't expect that from you until you said loudly, it was the best day! 

When we were skiing I needed to help Brooke because she lost her pair of snow goggles Will. It was a blizzard in Colorado as we were skiing, which was better than being shut down, and some people prefer the fresh snow, like I grew up skiing in, in Park City, Utah. But, this time of my life, I didn't care too much about the powder, I just wanted Brooke happy and her eyes hurt her even before she lost her goggles for some reason? Well, the snow was flying at my face without any protection as I helped Brooke and you were having so much fun going fast down the mountain but regardless of your fun, the moment you saw me, you said, " Mom, you need something on your eyes! That must hurt! I told you about Brooke and you said, " We should go down all the way and get some new ones. " 

You are always looking out for me when it matters Will, and since you were having so much fun going fast, when I caught up to you, and you noticed, it was noticed by me! 

Before we left to Colorado when I was packing, you said, " Mom, I think I want to bring my scripture prayer book." I bought you this little book at a Christian store with scriptures because you wanted it, this summer. 

You don't want me to help you read it anymore? But, you read it on your own when I lay in bed with you for scripture or scripture video before you go to sleep. 

You have your own faith Will and every morning when we do carpool with the neighbor boys, whom we taught to pray; you never once hesitate to say the morning prayer, even with two boys next to you that sometimes want to pray when I ask who wants to say the prayer, and sometimes say, " Not me. " 

You always quickly say, " I will Mom." If there is a moment of no one agreeing to pray when I ask, and I know those little boys have you as such an example because you say the prayer so happily and don't need help. No fault of their own, when they do say that that they will pray, they say, " Yes, I will pray if you can help me. " Then I help them say a prayer; and I just know that between the two of us Will, we are going to have been a help to their faith in Jesus someday, when they don't know what to do in their life; maybe when they are grown and adulthood hits them with a hard time? They will remember their neighbor Will, who whenever I go to the school, had children yelling, " Will, Come here! Hi Will! " running to you or for you, and that he confidently knew to pray without hesitation in life, so maybe they can too? 

You have become really good at being thoughtful of how it's a blessing to learn and how you will need a job when you are older Will. 

When we were on our trip you said, " I don't think I will ever go skiing when I am a grownup, because that will cost too much money, and when passing a sign dancer on the street in our car a few days ago, you said, " I don't know how that guy can pay his bills being a sign dancer Mom? " and, you are careful when I buy things for you, you say, " That is going to add up to a lot. I should not get all of that. " You were really good at playing poker with your Dad and his friends and so much so, it kind of concerned me; but you are good at analyzing and adding in your head Will and even though you think you aren't good at other things like reading or spelling because of your dyslexia, your effort to try in life is going to well make up any lack you do actually have Will. 

You started crying when I told you your teacher said you did such a good job on a test and you said, " But, I can't spell. " ( dyslexia causes people not to be able to spell as you can't sound it out since the letters are backwards to you) but, Will you said, " I don want help from a teacher to spell better." Which is more important than any talent if intelligence; the desire to work hard at something. I don't know very many ten year old boys with the maturity enough about learning to want to personally ask for tutoring or in their prayer, as you prayed this morning, say, " Please help us to be able to learn a lot at school today. "

You are kind and have so much faith Will. My best days come when you guys have fun and gain faith and testimony. 

I am so blessed to be your Mother, Will. 

Love Your Mom 💝 

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