Sunday, March 13, 2022

Will's first day in the temple


Brooke and Will, 

The world that you have grown up in believes that religion and spirituality is not something that you need a church for. 

Consider for a moment anything that is producing of something; even the elements, animals, our human bodies have systems in which they work together to accomplish each production. To think that the Creator of our world would create all of these things, with systems and assignments even down to the DNA code, and cells in our bodies and not place a system or order for the entire purpose of our existence He made for us, " to come to know Him and gain eternal life with Him " would be to ignore what we have witnessed Him do within all of His creations. 

I was reading awhile back and I loved some thing I read so much that I wrote it down for you: 

The word church comes from the Greek word ecclesia which means " assembly called together ". 

It is mentioned more than thirty times in the New Testament- most times in context of an organized congregation. 

Paul and Barabas ordained elders into every church. Acts 14:23 

The letter written to Titus reminds him he was to stay in the  place " Crete " as to ordain elders in every city Titus 1:5 

Letters written to the church of God at Corinth

( 1 Corinthians 1: 2 ) 

To the church of Galatia ( Galatians 1:2 )

John the revelatory wrote to seven churches which are in Asia ( Revelations 1: 4 ) 

Luke 9:1 Lord gave apostles power over all the devil's 

Luke 10:1 Lord appointed another Seventy

John 15:16 I have chosen you and ordained you 

Apostles did lay their hands on them 

Acts 6:6 , 8:18, 13:3 , 1 Tim 4:14 , Acts 10:42

Heb. 5:4 , Gal. 1:1 

John 3:5 

Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and the Savior explained means to be able to enter into The Kingdom of Heaven : " Except a man be born of water and spirit He can not enter the Kingdom of God. " 

On the day of Pentecost Peter gave the same instructions to the body of believers who had been pricked in their hearts ( Acts 2: 37-38 ) 

He said , " Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and receive the Holy Ghost. 

Acts 19:2 ( Paul ) Have you received the Holy Ghost? 

Not since we were baptized into Johns baptism. 

Then in vs.5 they were re-baptized in the name of Jesus Christ's church and then had their hands laid on their head by those in authority and received the Holy Ghost. 

- Sorry I can't credit whom I saw this by - Emily

Is now writing , 

And besides all these things Brooke and Will, you know the statue we have in our house of Peter holding " the keys " that Jesus gave him in 

Matthew 16: 18-19 

You have recited it so many times because I know: There is no church that has the keys or that power " since Catholics believe infants need baptism to receive eternal life....

it is clear...

That The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the ones holding those Priesthood keys given to Peter, and that there is a church as it says  in 1 Peter 2:5, it is mentioned that we too a long with Jesus are called and ordained through a Holy Priesthood! 

I know that we are miraculously blessed to go to His church and have the ability to offer the ordinance of baptism even to those who are passed away, and since so many never get the chance, and it is said by Jesus one must have baptism and the Holy Ghost to enter God's Kingdom- we are so blessed that Joseph Smith understood by revelation what that meant in 1 Peter 3:19 when the spirits in prison that had died in the flood of Noah and more people's, heard the gospel, that we are to be like Jesus and do that work and offering for these who never heard, being as He asked us to be like Him, as Saviors of the world. 

Brooke and Will, 

Will went to the temple to do baptism for the deceased ancestors this past week. Will you really were not happy at first when you had to get up on Spring Break and not lay in pjs all day on your tech items, but after some prayers and some time feeling the spirit, you were so happy doing temple work and you shared with me you felt the spirit when I asked. I could tell that you were feeling it as you had a smile and peace and love about you. 

The feeling alone that was produced in the temple for you was testimony that God Our Father does intend on having an organized church and to give of His Power to all His children who would not reject it. 

Brooke, You bore your testimony last Sunday. I was so proud of you. You said that in the past few years your friends, family, and everything has had changes but the one constant is the Lord and you know that He is always there. 

I do too Brooke, and I know that Jesus Christ loves all of His children enough to offer them the gifts in a church they will need and a portion of His Power. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Love- Mommy 💝

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