Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Train to Christ


You are a valiant follower of Jesus Christ and this week you let me know of something that happened to you, which gave you the opportunity to share your faith in Jesus Christ! 

You were telling us at the dinner table about a girl whom came up to you and your friend and she asked if you wanted her to read your " Tarot cards ". You said, " No, thank you. " She then was telling you and your friend that she worships demons and you told her you are Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as your God. She then started telling you all kinds of things and even mentioned to you that you seem to have an energy about you that she doesn't know what it is and that " she was going to have to think about what it is? " Thankfully your teacher asked her to put away the Tarot cards and told need it makes her uncomfortable. 

I know that your confessing Jesus Christ before men, will have Jesus confess you before Heavenly Father. 

You are faced with many forces that are not of God at your school. These forces tell you all kinds of things that thwart the plan of Our Father and Jesus; they are meant to confuse you so that you lose faith that the pure love that only comes through Christ and the charity He teaches us, is real. 

Because you are faced with so much of these lies and messages from opposing forces of God and Jesus, you are also blessed with gifts of your time which are immeasurable in comparison. Those gifts can be seen in your spiritual wisdom, even at your young age. 

I know you have the gift of spiritual wisdom and great faith because of your comment to me after I asked you to read a new favorite talk of mine this week, about Joseph Smith ( The great man like lightening whom mens fires are ignited by ). 

You said the most important thing one could say and know after reading this  talk Brooke. You said  that you know the doctrine is true and that you can not deny the spirit. You will never go amiss if you keep remembering what Jesus said, " By their fruits he shall know them " , and since you are in part " my fruit " , I feel blessed that I am helping create " good fruits " and I am grateful to be your Mother. 

I do not think a fully aged adult could have given a better response to how to take anything that they might not understand; in that you only have to know the doctrines taught are truth and the spirit tells you by personal spiritual confirmation it is truth from God our Father. 

After you read the talk, these are the words in text you wrote to me: 

"I like the talk because Joseph smith really was revolutionary and he did things that were never done. He also has done lots of things that don't make sense to me but I know that I should trust in the spirit and everything doesn't have to make sense right now because I know the doctrine is true and I can trust in that 

He was really important to where our family is today and the world"

- Brooke 

You love trains Brooke. I think you will help many board the train to come and see what the gospel of Jesus Christ is like, someday; because I know you are willing to share your faith in Jesus Christ.   Love - Mommy 💝

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