Monday, April 18, 2022

Wonderful Will



You are always the first one to come and help me with a problem! If you hear me scream in fright or cry in pain you come to my aid. You kill spiders for me sometimes, but you like to let them outside as your first choice. A couple weeks ago you heard me mention I left your/my ( Audrey surprised us with as a gift ) tortoises outside and it was a big storm . I had decided it was too much to worry about the turtles or maybe I had forgotten about them since there was a tornado watch happening? Well, you reminded me Will. You were willing to go look for them yourself and I told you no, I would go look for them. You went and got me an umbrella and waited for me by the back door asking over and over if I found them?

Will, I had almost given up but said a prayer in my mind that I was sorry I left the turtles out in a storm and that I knew He loves all His creatures and if it was possible that He could help me find them. As I turned around to leave the side of the house I had a thought not my own say, " Look one more time over there. " I walked to where my eyes were taken to and I had the thought, " put down the umbrella. " I thought, why? I said to myself I must need to use 2 hands. I then saw a tarp that I had already looked under and thought, " You need to use 2 hands and shake that. " I did as I was directed and under the tarp I had already lifted before at least twice were the answer to prayer I had found the tortoises and one upside down and probably would have been a sad day to find it dead if prayer was not answered and so I didn't have to call Aunt Audrey and tell her I let the turtles die in a storm because of you and Heavenly Father Will. 

That night when we said our bedtime prayer Brooke quickly asked to say the prayer and you said, " I want to say thank you we found the turtles so I will pray. " You are wonderful at recognizing and thanking God for what He has done Will. You said the prayer in thanks and I found you warming up and drying off the turtles in a towel before you finally went to sleep. 

We had a meeting with your school a few days ago; because of your Dyslexia we do that a couple times a year. Your teachers said you are well behaved and respectful! That is a lot to say in this day and time, since I know a lot of kids can be mean. Your teachers said you clean up your messes and keep everything together the way you found it. I was not surprised about that Will, because just when I think you have too many trinkets you could never know all you have, you start telling me I moved something of yours. You know where all your gifts people gave you are and you take care to put your Oculus right into the box how it came. 

Will you are so smart because when you go shopping with me you suddenly start telling me to put something I got back and you bring me the cheaper item which is the same but a different brand. Sometimes I tell you no, and you tell me how many dollars I would save and how the extra price isn't worth it! I don't know where you got this from because it's not a family trait that your Mom or Dad passed to you!? It shows you are aware, smart, and appreciative about what you have been given Will. You are very thoughtful and kind in that you will tell me not to buy something for you because it costs a lot in your mind. I am glad you think of this to think of others. You are quick to ask to make money to buy something Will, instead of just expecting things. I think this means in your own way, you like to feel your accomplishment. 

Even though you won't sleep in bed with me anymore (when your Dad is out or staying up), you still play with bubbles Will! I am glad you can still enjoy simple little things, and that you still like caterpillars, which we found and played with this Easter..


Mommy 💝

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