Thursday, September 15, 2011


Here is the proof that Mommy has been very busy lately. If this little face wasn't so adorable, I might actually get upset about the things Will has been deciding he should try. Instead of frustration, I reach for my phone to snap a picture, kind of laugh at my never ending work, caused by this little tornado, and then I get stressed when I realize how pressed for time I will be after cleaning up a mess.

                                           It tastes better when he gets it out all by himself.

He found Brooke's dinner cup still sitting on the table, and decided he would get his own drink. He actually was drinking it when I found him next to the kitty water, at that point I figured the harm was done, I may as well catch a picture.

After playing with his car seat for about five minutes, Will realized the cover can be pulled off, when yanked hard enough at the top. Now he wants to take the cover off all the time.

Will was pulling at his clothes. I realized he was watching Brooke change her dolls clothes. I thought maybe he wanted to change his clothes. As soon as I took his shirt off, he took off. A few minutes later, I found him in the bathroom putting the shirt in and out of the toilet. I guess he figured he could do laundry at his own level, in his own way.

                                                   One of Will's favorite toys is my broom.

I still do not know how Will got this piece of the broom off? He had been playing with it for about ten minutes when I found it taken apart.

 Don't let his innocent little face fool you. This little boy knows what kind of trouble he can get into, and he knows his Mommy is wrapped around his little finger too! Will has a new surprise for me everyday. I love how he keeps me on my toes! I love seeing his new discoveries, even if it means a mess.  


  1. i love this! hahaha. he is definitely a very curious little guy! i can't believe what he figures out! its even hard for me to take the carseat cover off of a carseat. i'm sure this is making your life hard sometimes, but this will serve him well someday-he is very smart and good with his hands. he'll be a hard worker!

  2. He definitely keeps you on your toes. It is amazing how fast theyncan get into things. He is a cutie.
