Friday, September 2, 2011

Testing Time Out

Will decided he would like to try time out. Brooke had been warned a few times about where her behavior was leading her. None the less, she ended up in time out, and Will followed her whining and crying, down the hall way, to the time out corners. He put himself in the opposite corner. I guess he felt sibling sympathy, or he just wanted to see what all the fuss, about these two corners in our house, are all about?

When Brooke was one and a half years old, Kevin tried to talk me into this "nose in the corner" time out method, that his brother Jeff used on his children. I refused immediately at the thought of my little princess's nose up against a wall, like she was some sort of prisoner, being degraded.

When Brooke hit about two and a half, I quickly jumped onto this " nose in the corner" method, after considering the kind of punishments that were going threw my mind, the " nose in the corner" seemed almost sweet.

As cruel as it may look, this method really does work when disciplining. It does the trick, to the point that you hardly ever, really have to put a child into time out, after using it.

1 comment:

  1. that is the FUNNIEST picture...and sad too..hahaha..will is so sweet to be empathizing with this. and i agree-we use the "corner" too. its a good method.
