Monday, September 5, 2011

first weeks of school

The first week that Brooke was at Kindergarten, Will seemed to be in baby bliss. Will was the happiest I had seen him in months, those first few days. I was worried Will would become bored, but he kept himself occupied, by quickly gathering all the toys that Brooke had been limmiting his play time with. He would give me his, "checking for reaction" look, as he would be carrying the pets dogs from the barbie house , that are his favorite toys of Brooke's. He ate better, having full attention from Mommy, who had extra time to animate for him, in persuasion of extra bites.  It was about the end of the week when Will started missing his big sister. He missed her games, so decided to give Mommy's kind of play a try.
Even though Will has really taken to cleaning right now, ( anytime anything spills on the ground, he will go get a tissue, or papertowel himself if he can find one, and he wipes up the mess) He is really missing Brooke, just like his Mommy is missing her too! The house is quiet, and when Will turns the music on, we are missing a dancing partner.

When Brooke gets home from school, Will crawls all over her, and gives her hugs. (I didn't get the camera fast enough to catch the hugs.) It is great that Will and I have some extra alone time, the way that Brooke and I had, but we still miss Brooke, who lights up every room that she enters.

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