Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Men are from Mars

Before Kevin and I got married, his only request before we set a date, was that we read the book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. I was almost offended when he made it such a high priority, thinking that he thought we were already having problems so we would need to read a relationship book. When he explained that this was not the case, he just wanted to be pro-active and get the knowledge that will help any couple, I agreed. We took turns reading out loud to each other every day. We still pull it out from time to time, in order to make a references in our dialogue we have with each other. I wish I could explain to Brooke what we read in Men are from Mars, but it's probably better to make light of experience with boys, right now. We have been having lots of talks about these boys, however....

Brooke has always been the kind of girl that loves to wear a dress, and collect all things pink. She can never have too much in her enormous collection of girly toys and trinkets. Make no mistake however, that Brooke knows how to roll with the boys. ( A great ability she gained from playing with Daddy so much. ) She can be found running, rough housing, and digging in the dirt, without so much as a flinch about maybe loosing her hair bow, or ripping her dress. Last year, Brooke started denying me putting necklaces on her, in fear that the boys she played with would want to rip it off. Brooke still wants to wear dresses everyday, and anyone who knows me, knows that I will risk the rip in the dress, to keep my princess dressed up. It is also a mood changer in the morning, when Brooke is grumpy to get up, and when she puts the dress on, she starts twirling with a smile on her face, or jumping with excitement.

It was heart breaking and a surprise to us the past few weeks that Brooke was having such a hard time with the boys at school. Heart breaking because of the endless stories about them burping in her face, telling her that she can't come to their birthday party, teasing her about her snack, and putting his shoe in her face. The tears were real, and very nerve racking for me. We learned that Brooke was seated next to a different kind of boy, than she had ever played with. The teacher in hopes to shape him up, sat him next to the best behaved little girl in the class.

We have had many talks about how boys can be mean, but that you don't need to take it personally. Brooke has been figuring it out the past few days, just how confusing boys can be. Saying things they don't mean. She is having a turn for the up, and I have to say I am thankful for prayers answered, and I am impressed that my five- year old, can figure out, what we all had to read in Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

 Part one, because I was stopped at a red light, right after school, and needed to go when it turned green. Sorry for the orientation, I was at a red light, so give me some slack...

Part two

1 comment:

  1. brooke makes me smile :) i loved hearing her rendition of what goes on at the playground...a lot of hoop action goin on! and a lot of mean boys! they're gonna regret being mean to her once they realize they are actually in love with her:) lol. she is so cute.
