Friday, June 29, 2012

Will's Two-Years

For the rest of my life, I know that I will never forget the sweetest moment. I woke up to soft caresses on my face from the tiniest finger tips, running softly across my left cheek. I turned my face to the side to see Will's pretty eyes, with his long eyelashes, staring wide at me and he laid cuddled up beside me with his head on the corner of my pillow. He continued to caress my face softly now with both hand on each of my cheeks he gently ran his fingers slowly. If I was woken up every morning to something so sweet, I wouldn't hate waking up anymore.

Will's personality is so strong; he can run the gamut from being as fierce as a dragon that blows fire in a rage, as he rolls around the floor in anger that he can't have candy for breakfast. Then he is a monkey that had one to many bananas and can't stop swinging on the branches, as he smiles and laughs hysterically while wrestling on the floor with his Daddy. Then there is the nurturing Mother bear, who like a teddy bear cuddles up next to you, or will say, " Ma lay down. " As you follow his request, he plops his special white blanket over your chest and says, " Ma you okay?" Then he pats you on the back.

Being the Mother of Will can be challenging at times. When he says, " Ma you itch?" then begins scratching your wrist in the same place as his that is scabbed up from scratching his eczema. Or the times that he Brooke is eating something and he says, " I want this one. " Points to what Brooke has, and you have to tell him that it will make him itch. Then there are the times he gets ahold of something he shouldn't eat and goes and hides in a corner and starts eating it.

But these challenging times amount to nothing when in comparison to the enjoyment Will gets out of his life. Will loves playing with his older sister. He sits on her lap many times a day and he occasionaly asks her to read him a book. Will gets tickled with joy just to see an airplane in the sky. He jumps up and down and says, " Yay airplane ma! I see it, airplane. " Will gets daily enjoyment from music. He turns on the radio that he can reach and starts dancing around the room every day. It is a ritual for him. He is adorable and entertaining to watch when he dances with a very intense look on his face.

I know that Will is a very special individual. We are so blessed to have him in our family. He makes me happy every day. I look forward to many years with such a determined, intelligent, and sweet little boy.

We love you Will and congratulations on being two-years old !

1 comment:

  1. happy 2nd birthday will!!! we can't wait to help you celebrate tomorrow!!!
