Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dinner Date for Kevin's Birthday

              Can you believe that Kevin turned 44 this year!? He has amazing genetics that do not make him look that age...and he surely doesn't act it ;) To celebrate Kevin's birthday, Kevin and I had a nice date at a Japanese steak house, where they cook the food right in front of you. Kevin was trying to convince me to go crash a private party in the back room of the restaurant where they were singing karaoke. Kevin likes to hear me sing. When we drove to Kansas City before we had Brooke, Kevin would ask me to sing to him instead of putting the radio on. I did sing to him...the only songs I really songs....

So Kevin knows the owner of the restaurant we were at. He went and asked him if Kevin and I could join the party so that I could sing as part of entertainment. The owner said absolutely I could and he wanted to hear me sing too. I felt like that would be kind of rude to crash some one's party...but I agreed we could come back and have our own karaoke party and I would sing all night ;)

                                           November 16th, 2012  - Mom & Dad

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