Thursday, December 27, 2012

Second time Soaring Eagle

                                            Brooke and her First Grade teacher Mrs. Rupert

It is an easy thing to get used too....... having a superb, super star, dream child for a daughter.....

But, we shouldn't and hopefully we do nottake it for granted, how wonderful that Brooke is....

Last year, in Kindergarten Brooke was chosen as the second Kindergarten Soaring Eagle of the year....

When the it came time for the second First Grade Soaring Eagle of the year to be chosen, Brooke told

me confidently..." Mom, if I don't get chosen as the Soaring Eagle again , I will know that maybe the

time I will, because other good kids need to get a chance." When she said this I was impressed that

Brooke had come such a long way since last year when she came home asking everyday if she was

going to the the Soaring Eagle, because she tries so hard to be good every single day. It also reminded

me she was still trying hard this year and it is important to her to get this very respected award, but she

is trying to be mature about it. When I got the phone call from Mrs.Rupert that Brooke was chosen as

the Soaring Eagle, Brooke was jumping up and down excited to be awarded in the upcoming assembly

and to get a one on one congratulations from the principal, oh and the chance to have her picture

hanging in the hallway all year long with the other famous eagles at the school. This year the Soaring

Eagle traits have changed a bit and Communication is one of the traits....This is what Brooke was

recognized for. Mrs. Rupert said that besides Brooke being great at verbally communicating, she is also

great at her non-verbal communication. She also told me about how Brooke consistently finishes her

work before the other children and that she asks Brooke to walk around the class and help those

children who need extra help.

Congratulations Brooke for working hard every single day to be the kind of student you strive to be!!!!

We are so proud of you and we are amazed by your kindness and thriving to excel in all areas!

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